Weather conditions and visibility play an important role in many car accidents. However, their role when determining fault is far less obvious. All drivers have a responsibility to drive safely for the conditions they are in; when visibility drops, the driver should also reduce speed to ensure that he or she has enough time to stop when an obstacle comes into view. This means that even in inclement weather, negligent drivers can still be found responsible for crashes if they did not take the steps to reduce the risk they posed to others.
Weather and speed both played key roles in a recent five-car pileup on I-90 near Laurel, Montana. The collision occurred during a time when the area was experiencing very strong winds. Visibility was low as sand and smoke blew across the interstate. According to members of the Montana Highway Patrol, visibility was near zero at the time of the accident.
The collision involved five vehicles. MHP personnel did not say exactly how the accident occurred – these issues are often unclear in the immediate aftermath of a multi-car pileup – but an officer did say that low visibility and speed were factors.
Several people were injured in the accident, one of them fatally: a 67-year-old woman from Park City. She was pronounced dead on arrival after she was injured in the passenger seat of a pickup truck. She was wearing her seat belt.
The injured parties and their families will now be looking for answers. Undoubtedly, law enforcement officials will be working hard to determine exactly what caused the crash, and who was responsible.
If you have been injured in a car or truck accident, the attorneys at Tipp & Buley are ready to help you pursue compensation for the losses you have suffered. To schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our skilled lawyers, call our Missoula law office at 406-389-4215 or visit our website.