Hire A Drug Charges Attorney Who Can Aggressively Defend Your Case
Our team at the law firm of Tipp Coburn Lockwood, P.C., will stand by you, ready to defend charges for possession, intent to distribute, manufacturing illegal substances, and charges involving prescriptions drugs or minors. Drug charges are a serious offense in Montana. Seeking counsel from an experienced drug charges attorney at Tipp Coburn Lockwood in Missoula, can help you in a variety of situations. We can also help you determine whether you have a warrant out for your arrest or what to do if you are arrested. We will aggressively defend your case to help you avoid a life-changing sentence, by having the charges dropped or reduced. Contact our law firm today to schedule your consultation.
Common Drug Charges
Montana imposes strict penalties for drug crimes, so it is imperative that you work with our experienced legal team from the beginning to avoid jeopardizing your future. Depending on the drug and the number of prior offenses, you could spend up to five years in jail and owe as much as $50,000 in fines and fees. Some common drug charges include:
- Possession of any illegal substance
- Illegal use or distribution of illegal drugs, including not taking a prescription as prescribed, taking a prescription that was not prescribed to you, or selling prescription medications
- Drug charges involving a minor
- Intent to distribute and/or sell the illegal substance for profit
- Manufacturing of illegal substances such as heroin or methamphetamine
- Driving under the influence (DUI) of an illegal substance or prescription drug not taken as prescribed
Types Of Illegal Substances
The extent of your charges can depend on the type of drug you are in possession of, what you intended to do with the drug, and how much of the substance was in your possession.
- Possession of marijuana
- Less than 60 grams and a first offense is often charged as a misdemeanor and could result in 6 months in jail and $500 in fines.
- More than 60 grams is considered a felony and you could face up to 5 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines.
- Possession of anabolic steroids
- First offense is considered a misdemeanor
- Up to 6 months in jail
- Up to $500 in fines
- Possession of opiates, such as heroin or morphine
- Felony charge
- 2 to 5 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines
- Possession of other drugs, such as cocaine or methamphetamines
- Felony charge
- Up to 5 years in prison
- Up to $50,000 in fines
Working With Tipp Coburn Lockwood
During a consultation with our expert drug charges attorneys, we will carefully evaluate your case, examining it from every angle to build a strong defense. We will ensure that your search and seizure rights were not violated. If this is your first offense, we can often have your sentenced reduced to probation, eliminating the possibility of jail time.
At Tipp Coburn Lockwood, our experienced attorneys will stand by you, ready to defend your drug charges.
Including drug treatment in your plea deal can help in the reduction of your charges as well. We will review every option with you and ensure that you understand the process. We can address any questions you may have. Some common drug charge-related questions include:
- How can I find out if there is a warrant out for my arrest? If you suspect there is a warrant out for your arrest, contact our office right away. We will conduct a thorough investigation into the charges against you and can help you proceed in an appropriate manner.
- What should I do if I am arrested? You should not talk to the police until you have consulted with one of our attorneys first. You should be respectful and polite to the officer. Do not resist the arrest, attempt to run away, or verbally or physically assault the officer, as this can result in additional charges.
Contact Tipp Coburn Lockwood With Your Questions
Our attorneys have been fighting for Montanans since 1959. Over the years, we have represented more than 7,500 clients and helped them recover millions of dollars in compensation. We are affiliated with renowned legal organizations, including The National Trial Lawyers and the Montana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
To schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys, request a case review online or call us at 406-389-4215.